Ren dmmd game beach
Ren dmmd game beach

  • Can't Hold His Liquor/ In Vino Veritas: As revealed in some of the short stories, Aoba gets drunk pretty easily and becomes a lot more loose when he does get drunk.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: A same-gender example he's the latter to either Noiz or Mink if he's in a romance with them.
  • In the former, it is because Aoba was being experimented on by Toue and then had his limbs, eyes and vocal chords removed and in the latter, he's abducted and used as a Sex Slave for Trip and Virus whenever they please.
  • Broken Bird: In Clear's and Virus/Trip's bad endings.
  • Blessed with Suck: Scrap is definitely a powerful ability that becomes useful in many instances, but it's also what attracts a lot of trouble for Aoba, and he's all too aware of this.
  • Bishounen: He's very pretty looking, and can sometimes lean on Dude Looks Like a Lady territory thanks to his long hair and feminine appearance.
  • Unless you are aiming for the bad ending, that is.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In Ren's route, Aoba is about to pass out from being beaten up by Virus and Trip, and his friends all burst into the scene to rescue him.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's one of the nicest guys in the cast, but he holds a dangerous power that can break minds and an alternate personality who won't hesitate to use it for cruel reasons, particularly in the bad endings.
  • Berserk Button: He doesn't react nicely to anyone threatening to harm Ren or calling Ren a replaceable machine.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: This is why Desire is interested in Mizuki, as Mizuki is the only one who has seen both personalities of Aoba, yet did not change his attitude towards either.
  • ren dmmd game beach

    However, his alternate self isn't nice at all and abuses Scrap for his own ends.

    ren dmmd game beach

    Further confirmed in Ren's route, where Aoba is specifically referred to as a "child of destruction" who can destroy the world and then rebuild a better one in its place.

    ren dmmd game beach

    Aoba's Scrap can permanently destroy other people's minds if abused (and he does unintentionally do this to Mizuki in the first part of the game) or reduce them to mindless puppets, but he in no way wants to destroy or hurt anyone and ends up using his power to destroy only the mental demons harming his love interest in most routes.Artificial Human/ Designer Babies: Aoba and Sei were genetically engineered by Toue.Aoba can get people to do what he wants by dropping his voice to a certain tenor. Aroused by Their Voice: Invoked in-universe.Armor-Piercing Slap: Well, punch actually - which he gives to Koujaku and Noiz in their respective routes the former for nearly forcing himself on Aoba, and on the latter for continuously rejecting his help.Aoba found Ren half-broken and discarded in an alley, took him in and repaired him, and Ren has been his AllMate since then. The game ends abruptly, but leaves Aoba with an ominous feeling. After accidentally downloading the file attached to the message, he discovers that the file is a game called 'Silent Oath', where he has to rescue a princess. One day, he receives a message on his Coil with the subject title “Please save me”. He possesses a mysterious power that allows him to convince others to do what he wants with his voice. Aoba lives a peaceful life in the Eastern district of Midorijima, working part-time at a junk shop called Heibon and living with his Granny.

    Ren dmmd game beach